Overcoming Fear, HTYC, Happen To Your Career

What stops people from making moves in their career? It’s not always what you think it would be. Scott and Mark discuss what you can do to take steps to move past the fears people face in their work, businesses, and careers. Get started NOW! The key is overcoming fear…

The risk of failing is the the risk of putting yourself out there.

The Number One Reason People Don’t Start


Fear #1: Fear of Failure

Fear keeps us from starting–or even thinking about starting!

Part of failing is not thinking you can do it, or you can’t get the job.

You have to be prepared to be told no sometimes to get to where you want to get to.

The risk of failing is the the risk of putting yourself out there..

Richie Norton mentioned “your fear of not doing something has to be greater than your fear of doing it” (listen to the rest of Richie’s HTYC episode here...)

Fear #2: Paralysis by Analysis

Ready, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim….

The root of this fear is actually being afraid to act. 

You aren’t prepared to act, so you keep collecting information rather than acting.

Chris LoCurto’s blog – “Is basecamp your Everest?” — often we sit in base camp and think we’re climbing the mountain…  we are taking all these steps, i.e. reading books, blogs, listening to podcasts, etc., and not really taking action.  (read this post by Chris here listen to Chris’ HTYC episode here…)

This is why HTYC provides inspiration, tools and roadmaps — to help you take action!

Fear #3: Fear of Rejection

It is weird to do work that you love and enjoy going to work everyday!

What will other people say if I pursue work that I really love!

Often your family and close friends will be the ones to criticize or question you as you move towards work that you love.

We care what the people around us think.

The Solution

Have a plan. Be able to quantify what you have done and what you will do to move towards work that you love.

This will help encourage you–and help you have those conversations with your family.

This will help you overcome all of your fears.

How to Succeed

Progress and success earns supporters.

Progress and success earns supporters. Everyone wants their loved ones to succeed, but they don’t often know how to voice their question.

When your loved ones question what you’re doing, often they are really saying, “Show me this can work. Show me you can succeed.”

You have to realize that there will be a time that things won’t go perfectly and things that don’t work out–when they don’t, be prepared for the pushback from others.

Failure Breeds Success

We don’t see all the failures and setbacks that lead to success.  Whether its the behind the scenes struggles of a successful business owner, or the hours and hours of practice and work of a superstar athelete.

Success takes some work.

Keep going through setbacks.  (Joel Fortner, in his HTYC episode talks about not being too hard on yourself, listen here…)

How Does HTYC Help?

Each of the fears has essentially the same solution:

1. Understand where you are going! 

This takes time.  It doesn’t happen over night.

Where do you want to be? — As a whole person.

  • What job do you want?
  • What type of lifestyle do you want? (how much money do you want/need to make?)
  • Where do you want to live?
  • What type of things do you want to do as part of your job?

Create a profile of where you are going.

2.  What are your strengths?

If you want to do great work, you have to do what you love.

If you want to do great work, you have to do what you love.

As part of coaching package – you receive a DISC Profile and StrengthFinders 2.0

3.  Have Accountability Partner

Whether it’s an HTYC Coach, another career coach, or a friend or spouse, find someone to keep you accountable.

This is one of the huge benefits of a coach, but you can certainly find someone to provide this help for free as well!

4.  What are the milestones along the way?

What needs to happen between now and what your objective is?

Milestones allow you to gauge your progress on your journey.

Roadmaps are the plan that help you get to where you want to go.

If a task takes more than a day to complete, you need another step.

We’re NOT Just Selling Coaching

We want to help you move towards work that you love–however we can.

That might be coaching, or it might just be the free information we provide.

IF you want coaching, head to the coaching page.

If you don’t want coaching, please utilize the free resources such as the podcast to advance in your career journey!

Question: What are you struggling with?

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